At the heart of Toronto's bustling city lies a beacon of hope and generosity, led by Dr. Lee, the founder of Health Outreach. This esteemed non-profit international health organization is on a mission to transcend borders and deliver essential healthcare to the world’s most vulnerable communities. With a focus on unity and the universal right to health, Health Outreach has become a testament to what dedicated professionals can achieve when driven by compassion and purpose.
Each year, Health Outreach embarks on a transformative journey, bringing together a dedicated team of dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, students, nurses, and translators. This diverse group unites for a noble cause: to service the remote villages along the Rio Dulce region of Guatemala. In an inspiring collaboration with the University of Toronto, two senior dental students are afforded the unique opportunity to dive deep into the world of outreach dentistry and global health, working alongside our seasoned volunteers for an intense, week-long immersion.
Our most recent project in Guatemala marked another milestone in our ongoing commitment to making a difference. Despite facing challenges such as adverse weather conditions, potential customs complications, and the looming threats of Covid-19, malaria, and gastrointestinal issues, our team remained undeterred. Their spirit, resilience, and focus were unwavering, culminating in the successful treatment of over 1,600 children in just two weeks.
This achievement speaks volumes of the passion and dedication that fuels our mission. It is a vivid reminder of the vast needs that exist and the profound impact we can make, one child at a time. Our heartfelt gratitude extends to every supporter who has joined us on this journey. Your belief in our cause and understanding of the sacrifices involved, including the temporary closure of our practice, empowers us to continue our work with renewed vigor.
Health Outreach will be expanding its reach, providing critical medical and dental aid to children in even more remote regions of Guatemala and Honduras. Our team will offer urgent care at no cost to the communities in need. A new group of 20 dedicated volunteers travelledto the community of Azulco, near the El Salvador border, where we aimed to see nearly 1,000 children in just one week. Another dental and medical team will head to the Rio Dulce region of Guatemala, making this the largest team in the history of Health Outreach.
Health Outreach has come a long way since its founding, and we are incredibly proud of how much we’ve grown. For more details about our mission and upcoming projects, please visit
Your support can help us extend our reach and impact more lives. To learn more about how you can contribute to our mission or to inquire about volunteering opportunities, please don't hesitate to contact us. Together, we can continue to bridge continents with compassion, one smile at a time.
At Streetsville Dental, we’re committed to making a difference both locally and globally. In November, as part of our 25th anniversary celebration, Dr. Lee and members of our team traveled to Cardenas, Cuba, with the non-profit Not Just Tourists to donate medical and dental supplies to the Hospital Julio Miguel Aristegui Villamil.
The team—Dr. Lee, Liz, Shawny, Raesha, Jessica, and Rosa—brought four and a half suitcases filled with vital supplies, including IV kits, bandages, gloves, and hygiene items. These supplies were received by a senior physician and a representative from Cuba’s Ministry of Health, who explained how challenging the current healthcare situation has become in Cuba due to economic hardships. This experience underscored the urgent need for healthcare assistance in many parts of the world.
This mission was made possible through our partnership with Not Just Tourists, an organization dedicated to providing much-needed medical supplies to countries that lack access to them. By allowing tourists to carry and deliver these supplies, Not Just Tourists helps ensure that aid reaches those who need it most.
Our visit to Cuba showed us how a simple act of carrying a few extra suitcases can provide life-saving materials to communities in crisis. Streetsville Dental is proud to support this initiative, and we remain committed to making a positive impact, both in our local community and beyond.